



About Richard Shulman






出生並成長於美國紐約州的尼加拉瀑布,理查‧舒曼年輕時即經常聆聽交響樂曲。在他七歲時,家人送給他第一台鋼琴,並開始了鋼琴的學習課程直到高中。期間他也學習了五年的豎笛和一年的小提琴。青年時期的理查也在許多教堂演奏風琴,並在加拿大的夏令營擔任音樂顧問,還加入Thom RotellaBobby Previte所組成的搖滾樂團。之後,他於洛徹斯特大學獲得雙主修學位(鋼琴演奏和心理學),同時繼續在Previte的融合爵士樂團Thermopylae中演出。


在水牛城的紐約州立大學攻讀作曲碩士同時,舒曼則繼續和法蘭克‧福斯特學習爵士樂。這些年間他持續在Thad Jones, Eddie Gomez, Pepper Adams, Jerry Dodgion, Freddie Hubbard 與Al Harewood等人的音樂會中演出,並灌錄了個人第一張爵士專輯「Wonder」。

在紐約期間他灌錄了第一張即興鋼琴獨奏專輯「世界和平」,正好是二次大戰廣島原子彈爆炸的週年紀念(他的演奏與和平會議同日),這也讓他開始延伸到爵士以外的音樂類型,進入新世紀音樂(new age music)的領域。同時,他也受一些治療師之邀,為他們的客戶演奏,這也是他專為個人、夫妻、團體創作「音樂靈魂塑像」的開始(迄今已超過600次)。這種療癒類型的音樂專輯包括:「和諧揚昇:聖音調諧」「亞西西之光」「初聖典禮:能量觸療」「擴大療癒法」「11點11分:鋼琴靜心」以及「能量觸療1、2輯」…等等。






卡米洛Camelot Reawakened: A Vision Fulfilled

聖杯守護者:聲音調諧 Keeper of the Holy Grail

和諧揚昇:聲音調諧 Ascension Harmonics

嶄新的開始 New Beginnings

亞西西之光 Light From Assisi

亞西西的轉化 Transformation at Assisi

迷宮漫步:內在旅程 Music to Walk The Labyrinth

光之樂:調和脈輪 Light Music

擴大療癒法:神聖能量療癒 Music for Magnified Healing

初聖典禮:能量觸療初階 First Rites

能量觸療1:內觀自性 Sacred Music for Healing Hands Vol.1

能量觸療2:上溯神性 Sacred Music for Healing Hands Vol.2

11點11分:鋼琴靜心 11:11 Piano Meditations for Awakening

平和之樂:鋼琴獨奏 Music of Peace




Born and raised in Niagara Falls, New York, Richard often listened to symphonies on record and in concert as a youngster. His family got him a piano and he began lessons at age seven which continued through high school, although he additionally studied violin for a year and clarinet for five years. As a teenager Richard also played organ at various churches, was the music counselor at a summer camp in Canada, and joined a rock band with future jazz recording artists Thom Rotella and Bobby Previte. Shulman graduated from the University of Rochester with a double-major Bachelor's degree in music (piano performance) and psychology while continuing to perform with Previte in the jazz-fusion band Thermopylae. Shulman's early musical influences were Beethoven, Bach and Chopin; then in high school it was The Beatles and Jimi Hendrix; and on into college it switched to Miles Davis, John Coltrane, Paul Winter, Oscar Peterson and Ray Charles followed a few years later by Bill Evans, Keith Jarrett, Pat Metheny, and Chick Corea.

Shulman continued his studies in jazz with Frank Foster while getting his Masters Degree in musical composition at the State University of New York at Buffalo. During those years he played onstage in concert with such jazz stalwarts as Thad Jones, Eddie Gomez, Pepper Adams, Jerry Dodgion, Freddie Hubbard and Al Harewood, and recorded his first jazz album, Wonder.

According to Shulman, "For the past 19 years, album-by-album I have been attempting to create music which will encourage a harmonious society envisioned by many spiritual traditions, forward thinkers and ordinary people." This journey has resulted in 18 of his own albums as well as other recordings for which he has provided the music. Trained in the classical field, Shulman first worked as a rock musician and then a jazz pianist before turning to music for healing and inspiration.

Shulman began moving beyond the jazz scene in New York City when he recorded his first extemporaneous solo piano album, World Peace, on the anniversary of the bombing of Hiroshima (he performed at a peace meeting the same day). This led Shulman into the world of new age music. Richard was then asked by a healing practitioner to play for his clients which was the beginning of Shulman's practice of creating special "Musical Soul Portrait" recordings for individuals, couples and groups (he has done more than 600 so far). Shulman also has released some of this type of music on the albums A Higher Dimension, Light Music, Music for Magnified Healing, First Rites and Sacred Music for Healing Hands Volumes 1 & 2.

Shulman's first two album releases with national marketing were Light from Assisi and Transformation at Assisi, inspired by spiritual pilgrimages to the town of Assisi in Italy where St. Francis lived. Richard also laid more groundwork for Camelot Reawakened with a pair of recordings -- Ascension Harmonics and the partially-orchestral Keeper of the Holy Grail -- with "spiritual attunements" by Samuel Welsh. "Our research for Holy Grail led me to the larger picture of Camelot," says Shulman, who also took a trip to Glastonbury, England in 1995 to study the area. "I feel that the energies of Camelot still reside in places like the Abbey there and the Michael Tor, the sacred hill which is pictured on the cover of Camelot Reawakened."

In 1996, Richard was preparing to do a "Musical Soul Portrait" for a woman who had recently returned from exploring the British Isles and tracing Arthur's journeys, although she hadn't told Shulman about that. When he closed his eyes to begin, he had a vision of a sword coming down from heaven. He told her what he had seen, and she said, "I have one word for you: Camelot." The music Richard created that day was the beginning of Camelot Reawakened. Over the next few years, he received other melodies about Camelot while doing soul portraits, and during the recording of his First Rites and Music to Walk the Labyrinth albums. "There were many threads that came slowly together to form the entire web. Synchronicities happened throughout the project. It was a spiritual adventure." After several years of arranging the orchestration for each movement of the Camelot piece, it was unveiled to the world in concert in January 2002, with members of the Asheville Symphony Orchestra conducted by Robert Hart Baker. It was recorded that day in front of the audience with additional recording the following day behind closed doors. The album contains liner notes about the project and an explanation of each movement which takes the listener from "The Dream" and "A Celebration" to "Prayer" and "The Dream Fulfilled." A DVD/video of the project was released in June of 2005.

"The possibilities for humanity have blossomed periodically through the ages, and when Camelot flourished, people dared to live a dream. I believe now is the time to begin opening ourselves again to living in harmony with one another, and in harmony with the entire universe, by each of us recognizing our dream within and fulfilling that vision as our contribution to the whole."


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