


BLESSING:Musical Meditations for Taiwan






-兩度COVR得主理查舒曼 匯集台、美兩地靈性創作者完美演繹!



「豐富的曲調與主題極為匹配『祝福』能滿足任何喜愛新世紀或心靈音樂的樂迷。」  -Heath Andrews, 美國專業CD評論網站「Review You



Richard的音樂...有一種在自己家園、 安心的感受, 百聽不厭...來自知名心靈作曲家對台灣寶島的祝福 ,聽了更能產生幸福的感受!」----瑪郡 Ma Chin (生命潛能出版社編輯顧問,阿卡莎花精/天使療法諮商師)



「用心聆聽,感受不斷油然而生,無法筆敘...隨著音樂讓自己靜下來,你將體驗到所有感動!」 ----許惠惠,高雄梵朵能量合一生活館負責人





受傳統古典音樂訓練的理查舒曼是兩屆COVR獎得主,致力以音樂表達愛,並喚醒人們內在的喜悅,協助團體與個人憶起自己的靈性本質。在「祝福:給台灣的音樂靜心」中,他負責鋼琴、合成樂器以及音叉的演出,並帶領北卡羅萊納州伯法愛樂的大提琴聲部助理首席瑪麗安狄安卓雅、以及神聖覺醒轉化執行師(SAT®)凱特樂文珊的寶石煉金水晶缽,共同譜成這張獨特的靈性療癒專輯。此外,Bonus CD中特別加入由Nancy(汪慧蓮,全球五位「擴大療癒法」Grand Master Teacher之一、「光的課程」資深教師)創作的「祝福靜心」口述引導 , 充滿愛與溫柔的聲音,與理查啟發性的療癒音樂充分融合,引領您探索並與源頭相連,為每一天帶來無限的喜悅與感激。這套近兩小時的專輯將聚焦正面頻率共振,協助您化解一切衝突、緊張與失衡,是提昇神性意識、穩定自我能量、邁入黃金新紀元的必備工具!





1.Gratitude to The Spirit of This Island  07:44


2.Meditation 1: The Beginning  20:15

靜心1: 初始 

3.Diligence                02:54


4.Meditation 2: Inner Connection with Origin 16:41


5.Meditation 3: Activity and Vitality 08:24

靜心3: 進取與活力 

6.Stillness and Reflection 定靜觀照  04:27

7.Meditation 4: Promising Future (To Be Continued) 15:47

靜心4: 美好展望 (精采待續!) 




Spoken Meditation and Extra

1. Blessing Meditation (Verbal) 15:50

  祝福靜心 (口述引導)

2. Gratitude to The Spirit of This Island (Piano Only)  07:44

  致敬島之祖靈 (純鋼琴版)

3. Inner Connection with Origin (Synthesizers Only) 16:39

  心繫源頭 (純鍵盤版)



Evidence of Shulman's talented playing is heard throughout the album … The rich tones are very well suited to the title, and his composition is able to grow and still return to a familiar base in a kind of rondo form…the composition being so wonderfully strong, and the performance woefully beautiful… 

Being such a personal album with a deep concept, Blessing warrants a listen from any fan of new age music or spiritual compositions….the tracks with Marie D'Andrea are so well done that their beauty could be appreciated by virtually anyone…”                           ---- Heath Andrews, “Review You”


TAIWAN, also known as Formosa (from Portuguese: Ilha Formosa, "Beautiful Island"), is an island nation situated in East Asia in the Western Pacific Ocean and located off the southeastern coast of mainland China.

The civilization of Taiwan may be traced from 12,000 to 18,000 years ago. Dutch bioscientists also found astonishingly high energy in this island, maybe the best place for spiritual healing in the world.

This inspirational, healing music will serve as a portal, connecting with the quality and essence of this island and her people. Especially made for the people in Taiwan, this album is also universal in its benefit for Lightworkers and spiritual seekers around the globe. Perfect for meditation and any kind of energy work.



原價:NT470   特價:NT420

詳情歡迎與我們聯絡!04-2358-2069 普曼


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