圖片規格:21.7 x 28 公分(約A4尺寸)
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#229 鳳凰星艦徽章
這個三角形的徽章代表著「宇宙和平」,可以連結「行星合眾聯邦」和阿西塔指揮部。這個「基督化」的徽章是我在為Lynne Kitei博士的「鳳凰之光」現象創造一系列圖片時所接收的。這是一個電子符號,可以從聯邦直接傳送資料和能量,給行星外的人員,以及想建立更強烈連結的人們
PHOENIX STARSHIP EMBLEM #229 - This triangular emblem, which represents ‘universal peace’, is connected to the United Federation of Planets and the Ashtar Command. This ‘Christed’ emblem came through as I was creating a series of images for key witness, Dr. Lynne Kitei regarding the Phoenix Lights phenomena. It is an electronic symbol which transmits information and energy directly from the Federation to both on and off-planet personnel as well as those desiring to make a stronger connection
原價:NT380 特價:NT375