Medical Miracle Templates
#134 宇宙模版
#135 癌症治療:乳、肺、胰臟、前列腺、結腸、膀胱、口和喉、甲狀腺、腦、生殖器官、皮膚、血癌等。
#136 躁鬱症治療
#137 女性器官與受孕問題治療:經前症候群、臉潮紅、子宮內膜異位...等。
#138 男性器官與生育問題治療:前列腺肥大、勃起障礙...等。
#139 多發性硬化治療
#140 頭痛和頭部創傷治療:偏頭痛、腦震盪、頭部創傷...等。
#141 ADD/ADHD治療:讀寫障礙和學習問題。
#234 關節炎治療
#235 睡眠問題治療:睡眠窒息、失眠、夢遊、嗜睡、睡眠癱瘓...等。
#236 血液問題治療:血癌、貧血、血友病、血凝塊、缺鐵性貧血...等。
#237 唐氏症治療
#238 骨骼問題治療:骨質疏鬆、柏哲德式症、骨刺、骨癌...等。
#239 脊椎問題治療:揮鞭式創傷、駝背、椎間盤突出、脊椎側彎...等。
#240 腫瘤治療:良性與惡性腫瘤
#241 念珠菌和寄生蟲治療
#242 糖尿病治療
#243 HIV治療:人類免疫缺乏病毒
#244 自閉症治療
#245 消化問題治療:包含與食道、結腸、大小腸、酵素不足、腸道菌叢相關的問題。
#246 心理失調治療:焦慮、厭食、神經性厭食、身體畸形、失智症、自戀人格...等。
#247 恐懼死亡治療
#248 心臟問題治療:心律不整、冠狀動脈疾病、高血壓...等。
#249 減重問題治療
#250 成癮症治療:藥物依賴、酗酒、煙癮、性成癮、偷竊癖、強迫性購物...等。
#251 恐懼症治療:蜘蛛恐懼症、社交、飛行、公共場所、幽閉恐懼症、懼高症...等。(售完請暫勿購買)
#252 沮喪治療:與傷痛、遺棄、自我價值相關的問題。
#253 視力問題治療:近視、遠視、黃斑部退化、青光眼、失明、視線模糊、白內障...等。
#254 氣喘與呼吸問題治療:支氣管炎、肺炎、咳嗽、哮喘、肺部問題...等。
#255 聽力治療:耳鳴、失聰...等。
#256 頭髮重建治療
#257 腦性麻痺治療
#258 齒齦治療:齒齦炎、牙周病、敏感性牙齒...等。(售完請暫勿購買)
#259 皮膚問題治療:粉刺、玫瑰斑、乾癬、濕疹、蕁麻疹...等。
#260 強迫症治療:囤積症、焦慮、恐慌...等。
#261 阿茲海默症治療
#262 感染和病毒治療:性病、禽流感、豬流感、萊姆症...等。
#263 維他命注入:由阿西塔指揮部設計,結合醫療協助小組,當你每次注視圖片,它都會將多種維他命的頻率注入你的身體。藉由將最精純的維他命頻率與效能帶入,這張「活的」催化圖將保健品提升到全新層次,而不用再藉由口服吸收。圖片內的頻率母體包含所有維他命(A到K)的傳輸密碼,能夠掃描然後將多重信號傳輸到人體內,依需要的最佳程度來平衡並重建。
Designed by the Ashtar Command, in conjunction with Medical Assistance Teams, these images represent new potentials within the consciousness field. The delivery of these new, quantum healing matrixes is a united effort to quickly eradicate diseases and health glitches caused by stress, genetic flaws (abnormalities, links) and mass consciousness programming. These multidimensional healing tools are the first of their kind, employing a multitude of spiritual light frequencies to clear health issues and stimulate the body’s natural healing ability. On a basic physical level, the Medical Miracle accelerators provide a focal point which will allow individuals to maintain a permanent, positive visualization throughout their experience. On the unseen levels, the images are complex, biological combination locks, which the body consciousness will easily recognize and use to return the entire system to an optimal state of health.
These frequency cures are designed to be utilized by both individuals who are currently dealing with the problem as well as those who feel they may be at risk. Each image will work on a variety of similar problems and will proceed to positively guide your thoughts, emotions and perceptions about what is occurring. Upon viewing, the images will begin to transmit a series of signals into your cellular structure, which will start to reconfigure the energy and transform even the most stubborn issue…even those which may have been present since birth. The images will also disconnect negative genetic links to future inherited/predisposed conditions and problems. Additionally, both medical professionals and holistic healers will greatly benefit from these templates as they are the perfect complement to traditional treatments and proven therapies.
Each of the Medical Miracle templates will require the assistance of the Universal Template #134, which will synchronize the image to your specific vibration. In addition, each template is personally infused with energy by me and my team here at LightQuest. Also, it is important for each and every individual to know that these often traumatic illnesses and problems are transitory ‘glitches in the system’, and that the more quickly one can visualize and feel themselves healed, the more rapidly it shall be done. As you believe, so shall it be!
Enjoy, Bryan de Flores
#134 - Universal Template
#135 - Cancer Cure: Breast, Lung, Pancreatic, Prostate, Colon, Bladder, Mouth & Throat, Thyroid, Brain, Reproductive Organs, Skin, Leukemia, etc.
#136 - Bi-Polar Disorder Cure
#137 - Female Organs & Fertility Issues Cure: PMS, Hot Flashes, Endometriosis, etc.
#138 - Male Organs & Fertility Issues Cure: Enlarged Prostate, Erectile Dysfunction
#139 - Multiple Sclerosis Cure
#140 - Headaches & Head Trauma Cure: Migraine, Concussion, Head Trauma, etc.
#141 - ADD/ADHD Cure: Dyslexia and Learning Disabilities
#234 - Arthritis Cure
#235 - Sleep Disorders Cure: Sleep Apnea, Insomnia, Sleep Walking, Narcolepsy, Sleep Paralysis, etc.
#236 - Blood Disorders Cure: Leukemia, Anemia, Hemophilia, Blood Clots, Iron Deficiency, etc.
#237 - Down Syndrome Cure
#238 - Bone Diseases Cure: Osteoporosis, Paget’s Disease, Bone Spurs, Bone Cancer, etc.
#239 - Spine Injuries & Diseases Cure: Whiplash, Kyphosis, Herniated Disc, Scoliosis, etc.
#240 - Tumors Cure: Benign and Malignant Tumors
#241 - Candida and Parasites Cure
#242 - Diabetes Cure
#243 - HIV Cure: Human Immunodeficiency Virus
#244 - Autism Cure
#245 - Digestive Disorders Cure: Includes problems relating to the Esophagus, Colon, Small and Large Intestine, Enzyme Deficiencies, Intestinal Flora, etc.
#246 - Mental Disorders Cure: Anxiety Disorder, Bulimia, Anorexia Nervosa, Body Dysmorphic, Dementia, Narcissistic Personality, etc.
#247 - Fear of Death Cure
#248 - Heart Problems Cure: Arrhythmia (Heart Palpitations), Coronary Artery Disease, Hyper Tension (High Blood Pressure), etc.
#249 - Weight Loss Cure
#250 - Addictions Cure: Prescription and Illegal Drug Dependency, Alcoholism, Smoking, Sexual Addiction, Kleptomania, Compulsive Shopping, etc.
#251 - Phobias Cure: Arachnophobia (spiders), Social Phobia, Aerophobia (flying), Agoraphobia, Claustrophobia, Acrophobia (heights), etc.
#252 - Depression Cure: Related to Grief, Abandonment, Self-Worth, etc.
#253 - Vision Problems Cure: Near-Sightedness, Far-Sightedness, Macular Degeneration, Glaucoma, Blindness, Blurred Vision, Cataracts, etc.
#254 - Asthma, Allergies & Respiratory Cure: Bronchitis, Pneumonia, Coughing, Wheezing, Lung Problems, etc.
#255 - Hearing Impairment Cure: Tinnitus, Deafness, etc.
#256 - Hair Restoration Cure
#257 - Cerebral Palsy Cure
#258 - Teeth and Gums Cure: Gingivitis, Periodontitis, Sensitive Teeth, etc.
#259 - Skin Conditions Cure: Acne, Rosacea, Psoriasis, Eczema, Hives, etc.
#260 - Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Cure: Hoarding, Anxiety and Panic Disorder, etc.
#261 - Alzheimer’s Disease Cure
#262 - Infections & Viruses Cure: Sexually Transmitted Diseases, Avian (Bird) Flu, Swine Flu, Lyme Disease, etc.
#263 - Vitamin Infusion
Designed by the Ashtar Command, in conjunction with Medical Assistance Teams, this image will infuse your body with a multitude of vitamin frequencies each time it is viewed. This ‘living’ accelerator takes supplementation to a whole new level by bringing in the most purified and rarefied vitamin frequencies & potencies, which could never be received through verbal intake. The design holds within its energy matrix the transmission codes for all vitamin supplements (A-K) and will scan then transmit multiple signals into the body to balance and restore the optimum levels needed.