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#263 維他命注入:由阿西塔指揮部設計,結合醫療協助小組,當你每次注視圖片,它都會將多種維他命的頻率注入你的身體。藉由將最精純的維他命頻率與效能帶入,這張「活的」催化圖將保健品提升到全新層次,而不用再藉由口服吸收。圖片內的頻率母體包含所有維他命(A到K)的傳輸密碼,能夠掃描然後將多重信號傳輸到人體內,依需要的最佳程度來平衡並重建。
#263 - Vitamin Infusion Designed by the Ashtar Command, in conjunction with Medical Assistance Teams, this image will infuse your body with a multitude of vitamin frequencies each time it is viewed. This ‘living’ accelerator takes supplementation to a whole new level by bringing in the most purified and rarefied vitamin frequencies & potencies, which could never be received through verbal intake. The design holds within its energy matrix the transmission codes for all vitamin supplements (A-K) and will scan then transmit multiple signals into the body to balance and restore the optimum levels needed.
原價:NT380 特價:NT375